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This is not home schooling

Writer: Jo WatkinsJo Watkins

Home schooling is a choice made for lots of different reasons. Usually, after a huge amount of discussion, opinion and often judgement from others.

A decision parents make as they feel it is the best direction for their own family or child’s situation at the time. Not something just thrown at you, that you try and muddle through, while working, when you can’t go anywhere or see anyone, in a global pandemic.

What is happening at the moment... Is. Not. Home. Schooling.

Nowhere near it.

This is Crisis Schooling.

We are all just trying to get through, with our heads above water.

This looks different in every house across the nation, and indeed the world, because of differing work patterns and external stresses. Doing school set work at home is pretty tricky for those continuing to work at home with little ones. Trying to help older ones with the tech, logins, something they didn’t understand, the assignments and the quirks of the printer when having back to back meetings is pretty tricky.

If our kids are listened to, cared for and loved they are not going to suffer from this time.

Education is all around us. Resources are at our finger tips so grab your diary and let these help you out. You Tube is a wonderful thing to help answer anything but for more structured lessons English with Holly Theatre of Science offer some of the best teaching you’ll find. BBC Bitesize have huge amounts of videos on their website, and now a daily morning schedule too as well as lots of Teacher Talks.

Kids learn in so many different ways.

Home education can give you the opportunity to learn about gravity by jumping off the wall, weights and measures by cooking, friction by playing with Lego on a home made ramp. They can work it out themselves with a little bit of guidance when you can fit it in.

Remember, in terms of sitting down work: 20 mins of one to one daily or here and there with younger kids, is as valuable as hours in a classroom. For the older ones being more self sufficient and self led in their learning is a life skill.

It might even help them in the long run.

Just do what you can. Keep sane. Take time and just do your best. You’ve got this. Dr Jo Watkins and Polly Crook Co founders of The HOW People The HOW People hosts a growing, digital, coaching community for teenage girls aged 11-16 yrs Inspiring the next generation of awesome females with mentors, coaches and role models




T: 44 7887 532732

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